We all know that a wedding is a social event, which not only involves the bride and groom but the entire family. Distant relatives, some of whom even the groom and bride do not remember attend the wedding function. The relatives and parents arrange the marriage alliances for most of the cases. Usually these types of ‘arranged marriages’ were popular at one time in India. Be it Oriya matrimony or Punjabi matrimony, marriages fixed by the elders of family were common. These alliances were fixed through contacts and information from priests and matchmakers. They informed about suitable boy or girl and parents interested called for the meeting of families. Usually this type of arrangement of wedding matchmaking was common in India when the joint family system was prevalent in the country.
With the changing times, families started getting smaller and nuclear families became more common. In addition, communities started shifting to different geographical locations for livelihood. Lifestyle got busier and many new additions to daily life happened. One such addition to regular lives is the Internet, which changed habits of people. The internet offered many advantages. And yes, even matchmaking was done through Internet. Many new Matrimonial sites India came up and changed the way of finding groom or bride.
Modern society and technological improvement did not change the Indian culture. These matrimonial sites helped in matchmaking for wedding. In present times, even the prospective bride and groom can look partners through these sites. And why just them, even parents use these websites to find a suitable bride or groom for their children. The concept of ‘arranged marriages’ still prevails in many families across the country. Parents use these matrimonial sites to find partner. It can be very well said that matrimonial sites India have comfortably the modern wedding matchmaker.
Author: Shipra
Author: Shipra